Secretary Riley now has a long list of achievements on his resume and had quite a bit to share on the topic of education. I came away impressed with the thinking of the various speakers and satisfied that there are a lot of smart people dealing with the issues of our educational system.
On the first day, we all had the priviledge to hear one of the smartest, inspiration speakers around. Kevin Caroll, Katalyst ( came from a broken family and the people in his life told him he would never amount to much. He has certainly proved himself. While in the Army, he learned 4 languages. He has been an NBA coach, and worked for Nike. He spoke about the importance of play in children's and adult's lives. He ended with gifts for the audience which included several red balls. Before throwing them, he gave a warning not to put your hands up if you can't catch. Of course, some did not heed his advice, but the damage was minimal.
The logistics for the conference were provided by Jillian Rabe ( She is a beautiful model in the Portland area and a very accomplished organizer.