About photoEdge

Waxhaw, NC, United States
photoEdge is a photography studio in Waxhaw, NC. My passion is photographing people, whether at weddings, as babies, or in families. You can check out my business web site at www.photo-edge.com.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

George Hurrell

In the 1930's anyone who was anyone in Hollywood was photographed by the great George Hurrell. To this day he is still considered the "Grand Seigneur of the Hollywood Portrait". His unique style of lighting and over retouched skin tones created the signature "Hollywood Glamour" style. Here's a taste of our recent George Hurrell inspired photo shoot.


Charlotte Wedding Photographer - The Schultzes said...

Had to leave you some love here! Again, I love that first shot!!!

photoEdge said...

thanks! it's my favorite too :o)

Don't Forget the Illustrator! said...

I have recently started a blog dedicated to all the great old Hollywood style photographers including Hurrell among others. Please feel free to take a look:
Sincerely, Barb